National Capital Ski Club | Club de ski de la capitale nationale

Join us

How It Works

Delighted to have you join us for the coming season! This is how it works:

  • If you held a membership this past season, you will receive an email in July with instructions for how to rejoin for the coming season.
  • Membership for the new upcoming season opens on August 1st.
  • Click the JOIN button at the bottom of this page when you have read the content in this section and have:
    1. signed the mandatory waiver;
    2. an electronic portrait-style photo of yourself for your ID card;
    3. a Visa or MasterCard to pay the membership fee.
  • All membership registration sales are final and non-transferable.

Mandatory Waiver

For each new season, joining members are required to read and electronically sign the attached waiver. Once you have read the waiver and agree to the terms, please tick off the box at the end of the document to confirm that you have read and agree to the terms. Ticking the box is your electronic signature of consent.

Categories, Fees & Voting

Two membership categories:  Recognition and Standard

Recognition includes:

  • Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and their families;
  • Firefighters, RCMP officers, other Police officers, Paramedics and Canadian Ski Patrollers (CSP);
  • Veterans of any of the above, with the exception of Canadian Ski Patrollers (CSP); and
  • Foreign military members currently serving with the CAF and their families.

Standard includes all others.

Within each category, different rates apply for adults and minors. Adults are defined as those 18 years and older on the date the application for membership is made. Minors are those under the age of 18 on the date the application is made.

Fees (Prices include ALL applicable taxes.)

Early Bird Pricing December 1st
Adult Standard $20 $25
Adult Recognition $18 $23
Adult + Child (minor) Standard $30 $35
Adult + Child (minor) Recognition $28 $33
Family Standard $40 $50
Family Recognition $36 $46


All adult memberships carry the right to receive notice of membership meetings and to vote on club resolutions. Minors are not entitled to receive notice of membership meetings, nor can they vote on club resolutions.

Legal Stuff

*       I agree to the terms of the WAIVER AND RELEASE.


For any questions or concerns on any aspect of the membership process, please contact Membership Manager, Lisa at:

This page last updated: 10 Jun 2024

E-mail: webmaster (at)

Copyright © 2008- National Capital Ski Club